
The days are still long and hot however it’s almost time to plan ahead and start thinking about influenza vaccinations.

Influenza (flu) is a common viral illness. Most cases occur during the winter months: May to October in New Zealand. It is easily spread to others through talking, coughing and sneezing. People are always at risk of repeatedly catching influenza because the virus types or strains are always changing. Even if you are not feeling sick, you could still be infected with the flu virus and pass it on to others.

The Lowdown on Flu

Vaccination is the best way to prevent infection and reduce the seriousness of illness if you become infected. If you do get the flu after being vaccinated, you usually get a mild form of it, recover faster and are less likely to have serious complications. Being vaccinated causes your body to produce antibodies against the flu virus. This means your body can respond faster and more effectively to the flu.

By coming across a non-infectious version of the virus in the vaccine first, it learns to recognise it. When it comes across it again, your body can react much faster and in a more effective way. Although some of the symptoms are the same, influenza is not just a ‘bad cold’. Influenza is usually much more severe, often has a sudden onset and can have much more serious consequences.

Influenza illness can include any or all of the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • Lack of energy – may be severe and last for two or more weeks
  • Dry cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea – more common in children than in adults.

Protect your team now

Flu outbreaks can significantly disrupt workplace productivity. By encouraging workplace vaccinations, businesses can reduce the number of employees who fall ill and, consequently, the amount of work missed due to sickness. In any workplace, there are individuals who are more susceptible to severe flu complications, such as those with chronic health conditions. Vaccinations help protect these vulnerable groups by reducing the overall presence of flu in the workplace.

The cost of flu vaccinations is often far less than the combined cost of absenteeism, decreased productivity, and healthcare expenses associated with flu outbreaks in the workplace. Regular flu vaccinations help maintain a healthy and stable workforce. This stability is crucial for meeting project deadlines and maintaining high levels of customer service.

Offering vaccinations on-site, at no or low cost, and during work hours, removes barriers to access. Apart from flu vaccinations, implementing regular health checks can help identify and manage other health risks, contributing to overall workplace wellness. Recognising that health is holistic, providing support for mental well-being, especially during the flu season when employees may feel stressed or isolated if sick, is essential.

Book in advance your workplace flu vaccination

We expect the flu vaccine to become available from 1st April 2024 so book in early to get your date choice. Prices are competitive and have been kept at a stable rate for the last few years.

At your workplace (excl GST and travel)

  • Up to 19 people $33 per person
  • 20 or more $32 per person

In clinic

  • Vouchers to be redeemed in clinic (non-refundable)
  • In clinic appointments $32 per person (excl GST)

Flu vouchers are available for smaller companies with less than 10 employees who would like vaccinating or for companies where a site visit has taken place however not everyone managed to attend for vaccination (usually due to sickness or a day off). This year for those who buy flu vouchers we are introducing some drop-in clinics, no need to make an appointment. Just bring the voucher and a form of ID.

These clinics will be held between 8th April and 31st May as follows:

  • Mondays 8.30-9.30am
  • Wednesdays 3.30-4.30pm
  • Fridays 8.30-9.30am

If these are unsuitable an appointment will be required for voucher redemption. Vaccinations will be placed on the Aotearoa Immunisation Register (AIR) to which most GP Practices will have access to.

A reminder to those Companies who require health monitoring during flu season, we continue to offer all our other usual services including pre-employment medicals and annual health monitoring. Contact us for more information if you wish to book in or discuss any services you require.

Enquire now